Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Recap

What a nice beautiful weekend. I was off Friday so got to do all my errands, doctor appointment, sprinkler guy over to fix the sprinklers, shopping for Bev's birthday and cleaning. Friday night we met up downtown for my friend Bev's birthday dinner. Very nice new place called Matt's Casbah, very interesting selections. Dan got sushi and I got a shrimp pasta special, they had everything from fresh seafood and sushi to Indian inspired and Italian. Everything was very good and the wine and martini selections were fabulous. Our 23 party table seem to take over the whole restaurant, Bev had some wild girls in here party!
Saturday my family invited us up to a resort in Cape Canaveral that my sister was staying at for Spring Break, the Ron Jon Resort.

What a beautiful day to spend at the resort, they have a great pool area, it was huge with a children and a no children section, you can walk to the beach and the food and frozen drinks were super yummy! My favorite a Dirty Monkey that was chocolate with a little banana flavor, which I usually don't like but this was awesome. The girls loved the children's pool with all the sprayers and dumping buckets, I spent my time on the lazy river and on the lounge chair, so relaxing. I am sure they had a great view when the shuttle went off last night, we can even see it from our house, and they were right next to it!
Sunday we (Dan really) managed to finally put Dan's queen size bed together in the guest room, now I can finally buy a new comforter and get the room and furniture organized in there. We did have a trundle bed in there before Dan moved in, but we delivered that to my mom last weekend, I had given her a new comforter and pillow shams for it for Christmas, so now there was room for Dan's bed. After that grocery shopping, cooking and relaxing. What a nice weekend!

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