I got tagged on Facebook to write 25 random things about myself and thought I would post it here also...
1. Since 1st grade I have wanted to be a chef, I was even signed up for culinary school until I decided I could not make the move.
2. I am a crazy pack rat, I save everything, I think it’s because I am very sentimental and like the memories, but it’s out of control. I can only imagine how much worse it will be when we have children.
3. I hate 3 foods, Fishy fish (salmon, canned tuna especially), mango and ketchup. I use to hate mayonnaise, but as long as someone else puts it on I am okay with it in small amounts.
4. I have a really bad shoe obsession, so bad I had to convert my home office into a walk-in closet.
5. My parents have been together since they were 15 and 16, and they are still really cutesy romantic together.
6. While in high school I was a dancer for Disney and got to meet all the c-list celebrities that did the parades with us.
7. Dan and I email nonstop all day long as if we are IMing, we are both are in front of the computer all day so it’s easy to work and do this.
8. I am a software engineer at a big government communications corporation.
9. Dan and I were set up by two mutual friends, one came up with the idea and one did the setup. To this day he has no idea how he came up with the idea.
10. I only have one sibling, a sister 3 years older than me and we are so much a like it’s freaky, yet she has 3 children and a PhD.
11. I bought my house all by myself when I was 22.
12. I don’t have a sweet tooth at all, I rather have cheese than any sweet, Dan however loves everything sweet so I bake a lot.
13. I was hit by a car while walking into a grocery store when I was 20, my hips have never been the same.
14. No matter how many gourmet recipes or restaurants I try I still love Chicken McNuggets, and they are still on my favorite foods list.
15. I love making lists, I have a list and a spreadsheet for everything, I even have a list of lists and a journal of lists.
16. I used my sister’s ID for so long before I was of legal age that I had to continue to be called Kelly at one place long after I turned 21.
17. I am the worse driver I ever met; I failed four driving tests before I got my license, thank goodness Dan likes driving everywhere.
18. My grandmother is 100% Italian and since she taught my mom to cook and my mom taught me most of my staple no recipe needed recipes are very authentic Italian.
19. Anytime someone says the rule about daughters grow up to look like their mothers I show them a picture of my mom and grandmother. My mom is 5’9 blonde hair blue eyes, my grandmother is 4’10, black hair and green eyes.
20. I have three beautiful nieces, 5, 2 ½, and 1 month (this means I will have all boys), I love them so much I can’t even imagine how I will feel about my own.
21. I am not sure what I would do without my DVR.
22. When I was little on the weekends I would stay up late and get up early to watch infomercials and convince my parents to by the crap...and they did.
23. I have lived on Florida’s east coast my entire life, sometimes I want to move but I know I would miss my family and the beach.
24. Every year in school, elementary through high school, I got in trouble for talking too much, yet I still got good grades...it drove my teachers crazy.
25. I love New York City, ever since I was little I have wanted to move there, I grew out of wanting to be a Rockette, but still would love to live there. I use to go once a year, and really miss it.