Monday, January 18, 2010

Bridal Show

The bridal show was such a nice time yesterday afternoon. I arrived early to get my hair and makeup done by a local spa, then got to walk around and see all the vendors, try lots of food and cake, and get the swag. You wouldnt believe how many people actually thought I got my hair done and wore a tiara for the bridal show itself, silly.

Hair done but before make-up, can tell I didnt get enough sleep the night before, thank goodness for concealer.

My dad arrived to videotape the fashion show just before I had to go get dressed, I thought it was sweet that he asked if he could come see me. Then it was time for the show, it was so fun playing dress-up especially in bridal gowns! For the finale we had bouguets and we got to keep them, yay, mine was a pretty purple with peacock feathers!

I will share more photos when I get them.

1 comment:

The Golden Years said...

How fun! The flowers are so pretty!! And you looked so pretty too! Hope you're having fun wedding planning :)